Reserve your pet’s camp stay today!
Phone: 403-931-2511
Check In Hours: 1:00 – 5:00
Check Out Hours: 10:00 – 12:00
When you arrive with your pet we ask that you you check in with reception first. You will notice our reception area is quite small so to avoid bathroom accidents or pet confrontations we ask that you leave your pets in the car while we confirm dates and feeding instructions. You can bring your food, bedding, etc. when you check in. Please label all food, treats, and medications.
Stonehaven Kennels
Stonehaven Kennels is a boarding kennel located just west of the Calgary city limits on Hwy 22X.
Stonehaven is a beautiful facility – inside there are 40 dog runs and 5 cat condos for boarders. Your family pet receives full care while under our roof.
All Stonehaven dogs get daily off leash playtime and cuddles!!!!

Anyone is welcome here. Except maybe snakes and anything that could potentially eat a human or other live animal . 🙂
Check In 1:00 – 5:00
Check Out 10:00 – 12:00

Short or Long Term Boarding
Long or short term care for your loved pets while you're traveling, doing renos, or just need some hair free time. Our rates include 3 off leash play times each day, administering medication, and any other care needed.
Reserve your pet's camp stay today!
Phone: 403-931-2511
Please do not forget your vaccination papers. They can be emailed ahead of time or you can bring when you visit.
VACCINATIONS we require are:
- Dogs – DHPP, Rabies
- Cats – FVRCP, Rabies
Please call us if your pet is unable to receive vaccinations for health reasons and we can discuss options.
If your pup requires bedding please do bring your own. We do have blankets and some beds here as well.
Please leave your pet in the car when you first check in. We have a small reception area and to avoid incidents we would prefer one pet at a time.
If you your pet requires meds please bring a treat for the pills to go in. Or canned food works too. We prefer not to “pop pills in their mouth” as they are often spit out and found in the runs later. For our peace of mind, a treat will ensure the pills goes down where it needs to be.
Please understand that we may not be able to look after your pet if he/she has a recent injury, is recovering from surgery, has stitches, or is currently wearing a cone. Please call us to discuss.
Please check in between 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Check out is between 10:00 am – 12:00 pm 7 days/week. Your departure day is not charged if you pick up by 12:00. If after 12:00 it will be added. (Note we are closed between 12-1)


Hi! I am Cheryl…
Here’s how I got into a kennel. I had to use one. I was the worst customer…called, brought everything, etc. In the end picked him up early. Next time I had to use a kennel little did I know that the Universe was guiding me to where I was supposed to be. I bought it and found my HOME (the story really is quite amazing). My connection with JOEY was a once in a lifetime gift – I really do think of him as an angel…and I think of him and miss him always…and more importantly I am amazed at how the Universe works. It did it again when i moved here.I will be forever grateful! And will continue to run our business WITH OUR HEART! Pay attention…your animals feel it. ❤🐾
Reserve your pet's camp stay today!